
Business,Conference Financial Modelling | F1F9

Getting back to the classroom

It’s with a sense of delight, relief and excitement that we announce that we're running in-person courses again this year.

A reminder: in-person courses means you get to:

travel to a venue; meet an instructor and other course participants in real...
Corporate budgeting in Excel - how we do it at F1F9

Corporate budgeting: understanding the complexities

The budgeting process is often criticised for being time-consuming, adding far too little value and being out of date before the printer ink is dry. Arguments are also made against forecasting: either the outturn result is known (in which case why bother forecasting in the first place?) or the...
how to model foreign exchange

Modelling foreign exchange gains and losses

If any financial modelling topic requires clear thinking then it is foreign exchange (“forex”). That’s because it calls upon domain knowledge from at least three different areas. You need to have a working understanding of accounting (noting that accounting standards in in respect of forex...
Financial model maintenance

Five reasons to outsource financial model maintenance

We work with plenty of clients on building data-heavy enterprise models to meet their needs. The models include functionality to accommodate actual financial figures, budgets and forecasts. A recent example is a large business model with five subsidiaries. It has the ability to store budget copies...
f1f9 header photo for blogs

Using F11 quick charts

Most financial modellers create graphs to visualise data or to check trends. While building finance models, a good modeller will keep asking themselves whether their results are looking sensible. A good financial modeller will regularly chart line items and analyse the resulting trends - even while...
Support with building financial models

Time to call in the financial modelling experts?

Why take a driving test if you have no intention of ever driving a car? Answer: you wanted to acquire the knowledge, skills and experience to confirm that this activity wasn’t for you. The more informed you are, the more likely you are to make sensible decisions. At F1F9 , we have been...
financial modelling skills - 6 that you should have

The 6 Must-Have Skills for a Successful Financial Modelling

It’s frustrating to struggle at something only to discover that, after much hard work, there was an easier way.  That’s why people seek out formal training courses in financial modelling. I frequently hear comments like: “I wish I’d done this course years ago” or “You do not...
How to use flags in financial models

Put out more flags

Every forecast model we build in F1F9 has a Time sheet: a worksheet dedicated to important dates e.g. when the model starts, when the model ends, when the project starts, when the project ends, when the project moves from one phase to another. The Time sheet is a foundation sheet: bringing together...
Incorporating actuals in a financial model

Adding actuals to a financial model

We had a great question from one of our financial modelling online course subscribers are asking about the design of financial models with historical data at their heart, a.k.a. "actuals".   “This is the bit I find daunting: when you start an assignment, you don’t always have a set of...